Outrace the Stigma: Run with Heart, Fund with Purpose

Our vision is to create a community-driven 5K that fosters understanding around mental health issues. We strive to empower individuals to openly discuss, support, and overcome the stigma surrounding mental illness. Through this event, we aim to not only raise money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), but also spread awareness of the struggles that many people face on a daily basis. Join us in outracing the stigma and building a future where mental well-being is a shared priority.

Why We Run

“I run to bring awareness to mental health and stop the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Mental health affects everyone, whether you are struggling yourself or know someone who is. Outrace the Stigma brings together the entire community to remind us that no one is fighting alone, but we are in this together to support and uplift one another!”

Emily F.

“I run to help those like so many people close to me who struggle with mental health. Too often, those who are struggling don’t get the help that they need. Events like Outrace the Stigma help to combat this by raising awareness of mental health topics and helping anyone who feels isolated to know that they aren’t alone. Through this, I hope that everyone can feel seen and supported no matter what they’re going through.”

Hallie D.

Got Questions?

Email us!


Emily Falconer & Jess Schinsky 
Mental Health Co-Chairs, Omega Phi Alpha